What Causes The Yellowing of White Marble

post on: May 31, 2022, 15:54:07   from: Natural Marble Tiles

What causes the yellowing of white marble

Author: Shi Cube Editor : Shi Cube Source: Internet Excerpt Release Date: 2022.04.23
Summary of information:
The yellowing of white marble is mainly because the iron element reacts with rainwater or chemical substances to produce iron trioxide, which is yellow or yellowish-brown and adheres to the surface or interior of the marble.
The yellowing of white marble is mainly because the iron element reacts with rainwater or chemical substances to produce iron trioxide, which is yellow or yellowish-brown and adheres to the surface or interior of the marble.
The reasons for the yellowing of white marble are as follows:

  1. Improper use of chemicals to pollute the stone;

  2. High alkali cement mortar reacts with the elements inside the stone;

  3. The stone itself has cracks or the material is loose, and the clay content is high;

  4 . The stone contains high sensitive elements and causes chemical reaction;

  5. Waxing or other sealing treatment on the stone surface will affect the air permeability;

  6. The air is not ventilated, which will affect the breathability of the stone;

  7. No waterproof treatment, the water content of the stone Too high;

    8. Improper protection of stone, caused by wood, straw rope, carton pollution.

There are several points on how to deal with the yellowing of white marble
      . For the macula caused by external contamination, the process of contamination can be fully understood.

  2. Special distinction should be made between macular and rust spots. For the treatment method of rust, please refer to the rust section.

  3. For the macula formed by improper use of marble glue or other adhesives, you can first use a marble spatula to remove the residual colloid on the stone surface, and then use the glue remover to clean the contaminated stone surface part. At the same time, it can also be treated by grinding and polishing according to the degree of pollution.

  4. For the macula formed by the reaction between the internal elements of the stone and the cement and the macula formed by the pollution of straw rope, cardboard and wood, it should be treated with a macular remover first.

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